VHS Tape to Digital Conversion

For devices, turn device sideways. ENJOY at full screen and turn up the VOLUME!
Your old home movies are your memories. You’d love to see them easily. Maybe you have kids or grandkids that would like to see your story. We help you by converting this archaic media, the VHS tape, to modern media….flash drives, DVDs, video player books.
We have all kinds of tricks to our trade from the Basic Bump [a straight conversion from VHS tape to video file] to elaborate pro edits that will win friends and inflence people. [Just kidding, but the results will be a way more impressive version of your home videos!]
This basic service takes your worry out of having your precious memories on an archaic medium. You’ll have access to your video on your computer or device. This no frills service eliminates the worry of having your tape break and gives you access if you got rid of your old VCR.
This is an add-on service to the Basic Bump. We take out all the footage that is irrelevant, unnecessary or an out-and-out mistake! We remove the oopses: video of your feet when you didn’t know the camcorder was on, things people shouldn’t have said with the camera rolling and other uh-ohs. Of course, we collaborate together to come up with a plan for what YOU want to eliminate!
This add-on service gives your video a more fun and professional feel. We team up to add titles to the beginning of your video and “credits” to the end. This could be anything from who was in the video to people you want to commemorate or thank to where and when the footage was shot. Anything YOU want as part of your memories.
This add-on service allows you to add your or a loved one’s voice to your video. It’s another way to enhance your memoirs for loved ones.
With this add-on you can add humorous blurbs or personal commentary to enhance and entertain, while personalizing your memory. We add your words to the footage your way.
If you would like DVD copies of your video, we can add menus and chapters, so you can play just the parts you want of your memories.
Your digitized files can be be delivered to you in any combination of media below:
We collaborate with you to convert to the proper file codec to meet your needs.
We can save you digital conversion file to a flash drive YOU provide to us with this add-on feature.
We save your memories to one of our gorgeous, stylish flash drives with this add-on feature. We have MANY styles and colors to choose from. We’d love to show you your options!
This is a good option if you’re gifting your memories to someone that doesn’t have computer skills or would simply prefer an easy way to watch it on TV by popping it into a DVD player.
This our premo add-on feature! It gives you the best of everything. Packaging can include options such as DVDs, flash drives and photos encased in beautiful containers that you can be proud to display on your table! [This will attractively keep it in a place where you’ll remember to view it often!]